Helping You Make The Workplace
A Better Place


At times, workplace conflict can be a positive force that generates beneficial change. But in other situations, it may have a detrimental effect on the work environment. Miscommunication and misunderstandings can turn into resentment and hostility. Employee morale and health, as well as a company’s or organization’s productivity, can be the collateral damage.

By using the techniques and insights that I’ve acquired through my experience and training, I am able to help businesses and non-profit organizations navigate through the types of difficulties that tend to arise when different personalities are required to interact frequently, often in confined spaces. I also teach skills that can lead to improved communication, stronger work relationships, and greater on-the-job effectiveness.

William Hoda McElcheran

Hello! I’m Louise Gross

Mediator / Facilitator / Attorney

As an attorney for the federal government, I have been actively involved in conflict resolution for more than four decades. With the goal of learning more about the effective management of disputes, I became a certified mediator in 2012. This has enabled me to participate in a program run by the Federal Executive Board that provides mediators to help resolve workplace disputes at federal agencies. With this background, I have acquired a deep understanding of the nature of conflict and of empowering parties to reach mutually agreeable resolutions. I am now using these skills in the private sector to mediate disputes for businesses, partnerships and non-profit organizations. I believe strongly in the power of empathy, both to help me understand the parties’ perspectives and to help them establish meaningful connections that increase the likelihood of mediation success.

“Communication is the lifeblood of every relationship; when it is guarded, hostile or ineffective, the relationship falters.”

George Gazda, educator

“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of our trouble, you wouldn’t sit for a month.”

Theodore Roosevelt

“What we need is not to disagree less, but to disagree better.”

Arthur C. Brooks, American Enterprise Institute

“There ain’t no good guy, there ain’t no bad guy/There’s only you and me and we just disagree.”

Dave Mason, singer-songwriter

“After the final no there comes a yes. And on that yes the future world depends.”

Wallace Stevens, poet